суббота, 9 мая 2015 г.


I love the flow and feel of this complex. It's vigorous, concise, and the reps are low enough to let you use a fair amount of weight; it combines the explosives and the grinds, and even "sneaks in" (if you can call it that) one of my favorite moves for the midsection--the renegade row.

Check it out:

3 x Double Swing
3 x Double Clean
3 x See-Saw Press
3 x Double Squat
3 x Push Up (on the bells)
3 x Renegade Row

A spirited person should set the clock for 15 minutes, and see how many rounds they can get with GOOD form. Men should use 2 x 20-24kg; ladies 2 x 12-16kg.

Here's the video ==> http://bit.ly/1Hx3xw2

(A person commented on my youtube channel that I was so excited for this workout that I forgot to shut my car door. Ha.)

Anyway, I hope you take this workout, use it, share it, love it/hate it, and get awesome results.

Strong ON!

- Pat

PS - For 101 more workouts (updated edition coming soon), go here ==> http://bit.ly/1c0Pa7k

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