суббота, 9 мая 2015 г.

one arm swing

The one arm swing is such a lovely and effective exercise. It gives you all the benefits of the two-hand swing (just about) with a little extra love for the "side-muscles". 

The secret to a good one-arm swing--if you can call such banal advice a secret--is to keep your shoulders square (there will always be SOME rotation, especially when the weight gets heavy, but your job is to fight against it)

Two tips to help you do this:

1. Tap the handle of the bell with your free hand at the top. If you can reach it, this is a good indicator you're staying pretty square. 

2. "Crush trolls in your armpits". This is one of those bizarre cues (of course it comes from Dan John) that for whatever reason seems to work. What we're getting at is lat engagement. Squeeze your armpits, in other words, and keep your shoulder on the shelf. 

And now, a workout:

One arm swing x 30 seconds (R)
Single side farmers carry x 30 seconds (R)
One arm swing x 30 seconds (L)
Single side farmers carry x 30 seconds (L)

That's one round. Do eight total. Men use at a 24kg (or higher); ladies at LEAST a 16kg. 

Don't be surprised if your "side muscles" are sore tomorrow. Oh, and your grip, too, yes. 

I hope you take this workout, use it, share it, love it/hate it, and get awesome results.

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