четверг, 21 мая 2015 г.

Kettlebell Lunge Variations



What Is The Importance Of The Lunge?

The lunge is an exercise that works the Quadriceps, Glutes, Hamstrings and Calves. There are many benefits from this exercise, besides just shaping the lower body. 
 Lunges work the stabilizers as well as the large muscle groups which create strength, balance, stability and explosive power. 
Adding kettlebell lunges to your workouts 
creates variety and works the body in a completely different way than just using barbells or dumbbells. 

Racked Lunge

Begin by cleaning the Kettlebell and holding it in the rack position.
Keep your head and chest up as you lunge forward with the opposite leg, making sure that your knee does not go beyond your toe, keep the alignment of your body in an upright position so that you are working your stabilizers the entire time and protecting your back. 
This can also be done in reverse by using the leg on the same side as the Kettlebell in the rack position.  Take a step backward and keep the head and chest up while holding in your abdominals. This way you are always working the opposite leg, which creates more stability. 

Suitcase Lunge

The suitcase lunge can be performed with one or two Kettlebells. If you are using one Kettlebell be sure that you are working the opposite side if the Kettlebell is on the left you want to step forward with the right. If you are doing a reverse lunge, you want to step backward with the left leg and if you are holding two kettlebells,  you can do alternating lunges forward and reverse. 

Threaded Lunge

This move is specific to kettlebells. When you're lunging forward, you would hold the kettlebell with the opposite hand from the working leg. You will thread the bell through the inner thigh, bringing it around in front of the outer thigh, and handing it back to the starting point. This can also be done stationary, alternating or walking forward.

Wood Chopper Lunge

The woodchopper lunge  works multiple muscle groups not only the lower body it also works the obliques the biceps and shoulders. Begin holding the Kettlebell in the "bottoms up" position. Step forward with the opposite side and as you step forward ,you will bring the Kettlebell across the body and down so that is next to the quadricep. Push back, with power, to the starting position and repeat. 
This lunge can also be performed stationary walking and in reverse. 

Walking Lunge

The walking lunge can be done in the suitcase style,threaded style or would chopper style. Keep the head and chest up as you walk forward. You can also add a shoulder push press to the walking lunge. 

Any style of lunging that you choose is acceptable so pick things that you enjoy doing to keep your workouts fun.  Sometimes I even add body weighted lunges after my workouts are over just to burn out the muscle and create more stabilization and definition in my thighs. 
Kettlebells are such a great tool to add variety to your workouts and keep them fresh. 
Start sculpting your lower body by adding these exercises. 
You can learn more about Kettlebell training with me in my new kettlebells course

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