понедельник, 23 ноября 2015 г.

The One Punch Man Kettlebell Complex!


One punch man kettlebell
Growing up I found solace in watching more anime than I did traditional “kids” cartoons. I can remember watching my first anime back when I was still around 5 years old. Now 21 years later I’m still equally in love with anime as any other kid and I’m proud of it. There’s one new anime I’m recently into and it’s called “One Punch Man” and as you’ve guessed with the title of my blog I’ve decided to formulate a  complex with the One Punch Man theme. I call it the One Punch Man Kettlebell Complex!

The One Punch Man Kettlebell Complex

Before I dive in to what the One Punch Man Kettlebell Complex is about, allow me to provide a short background about the anime. One Punch Man is a story of a man named Saitama who is arguably the strongest superhero in Japanese animation right now (considered Goku too). The guys is basically known to finish enemies, no matter the number, size, or godly , with just one punch hence the name.
I think it was the 2nd episode where he puts into detail his secret on how he achieved such god-like abilities. Below is the video which is TOTALLY worth watching. I swear.


100 Push ups

100 Squats

100 Sit ups

10 km run

You have to do this everyday. This is on top of his mental training that involves training no matter what (despite fatigue or sleeplessness) and not turning the heater on when you’re cold and not turning the cooler on when you feel uncomfortably warm.
Safe to say, I wouldn’t be able to do the no heater/cooler challenge nor would I recommend to exercise if your doesn’t feel like exercising at all. It’s a recipe for disaster. Perhaps the frequency of doing the exercise above shouldn’t be more than three times a week. Heck, I wouldn’t do it more than once a week if I had to run 10 km each time.
Running on a separate day sounds doable, though, but I’d really avoid doing this too much (if you dare) since not only is this time consuming but it will also just deplete you day in and day out. Let’s not forget the main character capable of doing this is only bound by anime physics and not real-world physics. Just a reality check.

“So what’s the one punch man kettlebell complex?”

As I’m a fan of kettlebell training, I have a tendency to make my own kettlebell complexes and the One Punch Man Kettlebell Complex is no different. I plan to make this exercise my own by incorporating the kettlebell swing and omitting the sit ups.
Kettlebell basics guide part 1 and part 2

Why the kettlebell swing:

The swing is easily one of the best exercises out there and it’s a plus how you can ramp up the volume with this one too. It does your body good and the benefits are easily searchable but to cut it short I just have to say this is one badass exercise.

Why not sit ups:

I haven’t done sit ups in a while mainly because sit ups aren’t really all that useful in the first place. If you do sit ups for fat loss, strength gain, and a great ab workout then you might as well go with crunches. Crunches are awesome and sit ups not so awesome.

How to do the One Punch Man Kettlebell Complex

One punch man kettlebell


  • Make sure you put running as the last exercise. Do not insert it in between sets or reps.
  • Choose whether you go with one hand swings or two hand swings but the OH swing will divide the reps per arm.
  • Use whatever weight you’re comfortable with but preferably not beyond 32 kg or lighter than 20 kg.
  • Variation – Have a separate running day. Run the day after you do the first 3 exercises to save time or to reduce risk of injury due to fatigue.
  • No actual “rest period” but do not rest for too long. Hit a max of 2 minutes if you can otherwise rest longer.
  • Listen to your body. If you feel like you can’t complete anymore then rest up and try again another day.

Sequence choice:

  • Complete all reps per exercise before moving – 30 swings first then 30 squats and finally 30 push ups; run 3 km after.
  • Divide into sets – 10 swings – 10 squats – 10 push ups x 3; run 3 km after.
The HARD version looks like one of your typical Crossfit challenge so I advise you to NOT do this version of the complex frequently. As mentioned above, it takes too long to complete (not ideal for those who have work or have less time) and may end up giving you an injury if you don’t allow the body to recover.
The One Punch Man Kettlebell Complex has the EASY and NORMAL versions which, more or less, can be done maybe 4-5  times a week depending on the level of your .


The One Punch Man Kettlebell Complex is designed to give the body not just a full body workout but a challenge to your willpower and stamina. Personally I’ve only completed up to NORMAL if I include running but I’ve also done HARD without the 10 km run. It took me more than an hour to complete NORMAL (running ate around 30-40 minutes) and I figured it might take me at least 2 hours (or maybe even 2.5 hours) to complete HARD as I’ll probably be too exhausted to run faster than 6 km/hr.
I’ll update this when I do complete it but for now my schedule is just too tight to squeeze it all in one day.
One Punch Man title logo c/o Reddit
Photo in featured image courtesy of comicvine.com

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

The Steel Mace Revolution

The Steel Mace, a weapon with a heavy head on a solid shaft used to bludgeon opponents, dates back more than 10,000 years. The Steel Mace is an ancient weapon that was successfully used in the Middle Ages as a way to overcome the heavy armor that was prevalent at the time. Now, it has made it’s return as the the ultimate tool for fitness training.
The Steel Mace is a highly effective implement in full body conditioning. Whether you are looking to balance your body by introducing offset weight training, or looking to build your strength in 3-dimensional movement patterns, there are a variety of ways to condition the body with this unique tool. Both static and dynamic drills can be introduced to reinforce structural awareness. Each requiring the use of your entire body as a single, totally engaged unit.

The Steel Mace Revolution2 Hand Paddle Swing

Simply holding the Steel Mace, weighted end up, will prove difficult for the novice user. Wielding the Steel Mace steady in this vertical position requires stabilizing the tool, engaging your core and grip. Holding the Steel Mace in a horizontal position causes the weight to offset one side of the body, demanding more stabilization as well as requiring strength to maintain a neutral alignment of the spine.
I developed an addiction to Steel Mace training by exploring how it helps strengthen and improve the range of motion to the shoulders. The 360 was one of those dynamic movements that helped to open up my shoulders through a large range of motion while simultaneously demanding me to stabilize the tool. Simply pressing the Steel Mace overhead requires a push pull relationship between sides.
This called upon many big and small muscles to successfully complete each repetition while maintaining good form. The more your grip travels away from the weighted end of the mace, the more you must stabilize the tool and your body through the push-pull dynamic. Exploring these and other functions of mace training helps you understand the imbalances in various asymmetrical movement patterns.

Viking Power Steel Mace Workout

This led me to design a program called the Viking Power Mace Flow. In this program I incorporate a variety of dynamic swings, pulls, presses, tossing and stabilizing the Steel Mace in position. The goal is to avoid losing engagement anywhere in the body which might contribute to more imbalances. Staying in a neutral spine structure as part of the discipline in your training with complete activation of the body.
Using the Steel Mace in this way will help balance your training with other fitness tools like Barbells, Steel Clubs, Sandbags, and Kettlebells. Combining these unconventional tools can maximize functional strength, lean out the body, or build functional muscle mass. Since the use of the Steel Mace targets many of the imbalances that could have slipped through the cracks in other training methods, it proves to be an ideal tool to integrate into your current practice.

Onnit Steel MaceSteel Mace Key Benefits

I believe this ancient weapon has found a way to revolutionize the current industry. The Steel Mace can be a tool to help prepare you for whatever training you are doing, but can also prove to be a creative outlet once you master the basics while offering many benefits…such as:
  • Rotational Power
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Real World Strength
  • Correct Imbalances
Stringing together dynamic movements and stable positions into a flowing sequence allows you to explore your own creativity. Whether you are a sports athlete, mixed martial artist, or a fitness beginner, learning how to use the steel mace can further your strength development while providing insights into the body’s imbalances and help to address them.

суббота, 21 ноября 2015 г.

The Kettlebell Iron Cross


The kettlebell Iron Cross exercise is great for anyone who has not tried it before and is looking to build serious shoulder strength.  You can do this exercise for reps but you can also perform isometric holds which are brutal but fun!  Check out video below by Mike Mahler for the details

воскресенье, 15 ноября 2015 г.


 Тренировку можно упростить в 2-х вариантах. Для начинающих и для среднего уровня. Начнём с максимального упрощения.

«Провинутая» тренировка для новичков

Часть 1 Сила
Если вы только начинаете – то и стройными рядами гирь, скорее всего, ещё не обзавелись. Поэтому, строим занятие из расчёта, то у вас только одна гиря. Если это так – можете адаптировать тренировочный процесс исходя из этого факта. К примеру, если предписанные 12 повторов идут слишком легко – добавьте ешё парочку или снизьте темп упражнения: 4 секунды вниз, 4 секунды вверх сделают становую тягу значительно тяжелее. Всего выполните 3 круга из 4 упражнений. По окончании – упражнение Нимб.

1. Становая тяга с 1-й гирей: 8-12 повторений
2. Тяга-сумо с 1-й гирей: 8-12 повторений
3. Становая тяга на 1 ноге (правая нога, обе руки): 8-12 повторений
4. Становая тяга на 1 ноге (левая нога, обе руки): 8-12 повторений

В конце первой части: вращение вокруг головы (нимб) – 20 секунд в каждую сторону.

Часть 2 Силовая выносливость

Темп упражнений увеличивается по сравнению с первой частью, но помните, что жертвовать правильной техникой в угоду скорости нельзя. Задача – работа на протяжении 30 секунд, затем 30 секунд отдыха и переход к следующему упражнению. Всего в этой части выполняется 2 круга по 4 упражнения.
1. Кубковый присед+жим
2. Тяга к поясу правой рукой
3. Тяга к поясу левой рукой
4. Свинг 2-мя руками

В конце второй части: ягодичный мостик – 30-45 секунд (можно с гирей, можно без).

Часть 3: Кардио с весом тела

Для начинающих минимизируем упражнения на одной ноге, тем более, когда к ним ещё добавляются прыжки. Обычно на начальном уровне с балансом не всё гладко, плюс, если есть значительный лишний вес – те же выпады с прыжком, которые были в продвинутой версии, могут быть небезопасны для коленей.
Работаем интервалами: работа на протяжении 40 секунд, затем 20 секунд отдыха и переход к следующему упражнению. Всего в этой части выполняется 2 круга по 4 упражнения
1. Бурпи (без прыжка и отжимания)
2. Выпады назад (чередование ног при каждом повторе)
3. Альпинист
4. Динамические приседания или прыжки Звезда
В конце третьей части: планка – 30-45 секунд

И не забудьте о заминке и растяжке в конце тренировки!


суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

A Tip On Kettlebell Band Swings.


Kettlebell swings are a great explosive exercise that focus on the hips and combining this exercise with a band takes this exercise to a whole new level.   This exercise should be done regularly by athletes that need explosive strength.  One common mistake I see is when I see athletes use a bands that are way to heavy in terms of resistance for the weight of kettlebell that they are using.   If I do this exercise with a 55 lbs kettlebell I would use a  25-30 lbs resistance band.  If you use a heavy band I recommend keeping this same band to kettlebell ratio.  The band resistance should about half of the kettlebell weight you are working with. When you do this exercise make sure to bring the bell a little over the level of your head.  This is somewhat a location between american swing and the regular swing.
Video below is from DeFrancosGym which demonstrates this exercise:

пятница, 13 ноября 2015 г.



Kettlebell Fitness Challenge: Double Kettlebell Circuit
The Double Kettlebell Circuit Challenge will push your strength, conditioning, and technique to its max. Set the clock for 10 minutes and see how many complete rounds you can do! Rest as needed and make sure your form is solid throughout.
RULES: Only complete rounds count. A round means that you performed all reps of each exercise. You can rest in the middle of sets/rounds and put down the weight as necessary. For the weight, round up to get to the proper kettlebell weight increment (e.g. a 200lb man would use 2, 24kg kettlebells totaling 106lb).
SAFETY NOTE: If you are not proficient with double kettlebell techniques/exercises, lesson the weight to 25% of your weight total. If you don’t have two kettlebells of the same size, you can also do the challenge with a single kettlebell, simply perform the designated reps on each arm before moving onto the next exercise and double the duration to 20 minutes.

четверг, 12 ноября 2015 г.


Perfect your technique to benefit from this power-building, fat-burning exercise.