воскресенье, 23 августа 2015 г.

Lower Body Kettlebell Workout


Want to tighten and tone your entire lower body without a ton of cardio? Kettlebells have made an explosive impact on the fitness world in more ways than one. Not only do they tone your body from head to toe, but they offer an explosive component to the workout that gets your heart rate up!

Equipment Needed: Kettlebell (5-10 pounds) and an  Interval timer (Gymboss is a free app download).
What to Do: This workout is most beneficial when done like a circuit. Do one exercise for one minute, take a 30 second break, and then move on to the next exercise. There will be detailed instruction below for exercises that only use one arm or leg at a time. Review the instructional videos below before beginning.
Beginner level: Complete circuit 2 times
Advanced level: 
Complete circuit 4 times
1. Dip and Kick- 30 seconds on each leg
2. Squat Swing- 1 minute
3. Double Kettlebell Deadlifts- 1 minute
4. Goblet Squats- 1 minute
5. Single Arm Overhead Lunge- 30 seconds on each arm
6. Kettlebell Step Ups- 30 seconds each leg
Dip and Kick
Squat Swing
Double Kettlebell Deadlifts
Goblet Squats
Single Arm Overhead Lunge
Kettlebell Step Ups

Read more at http://skinnyms.com/lower-body-kettlebell-workout/#d88GovMH26RSWE5y.99

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