суббота, 10 октября 2015 г.

Patterning the Swing


Ingraining the “Hip Hinge” movement pattern
 The first step in ensuring proper kettlebell swing execution is proper hip joint flexion with a neutral spine, as opposed to lumbar flexion.

Hip Hinge Drill # 1

McGills Hip Hinge Isolation Technique 


To eliminate the other joints in the body by isolating the hip joint


In kneeling position, (picture 1), drop your buttocks back to your heels (picture 2), and return to the starting position by bringing the hips forward. 
This movement will isolate the hips, ensuring that all of the movement is occuring at the hips joint.
Picture 2
Picture 1

Hip Hinge Drill # 2

"Short Stop" Hip Hinge Technique


To further develop the hip hinge.


Start in the upright standing position, then move into the “short stop” position, as seen in baseball players.

The hands are placed on the thighs just above the knees.

Upper body weight is rested through the arms on the hands.

The pelvis moves backward and the spine remains in a neutral position.

Then return to the upright position by hinging the hips forward. 

Hip Hinge Drill # 3

Cook & Jones Glutes to Wall Drill 


Motor Learning Drill to develop the Hip Hinge required for the kettlebell swing


Stand backside facing wall, 1 foot length from the wall with a shoulder width stance

Reach back with glutes and touch the wall

If you are successful, move the feet away 1 inch and try again

Repeat, each time moving forward, until you find the furthest point from the wall where you can successfully touch the wall without falling backward.

At this point you can practice the hip hinge, initially using the arms as a counter balance by reaching forward.

Inhale on the way back to touch the wall, exhale at the top as you tighten the glutes and core, creating a straight line from the ears to the ankles.

Key Points:

The hips reach back first and stay high

The chest will tilt forward as the hips reach back

Don’t confuse an upright back with a flat back

Don’t squat and lower the hips

Hip Hinge Drill # 4

Glutes to Wall Kettlebell Deadlift


Transition from unwieghted to weighted patterning of the Hip Hinge

assume the same stance you found during the first two touch the wall drills

Place a kettlebell at the appropriate height between the heels or slightly behind them.

Adjust your stance as wide as necessary to accommodate the kettlebell, but not wider.

Keeping the arms glued to the ribs, reach back with the hip to touch the wall while grasping the kettlebell at the bottom position. Don’t forget to inhale.

Keeping the spine alignment and arms against the ribs, return to the top position by pushing the feet into the ground and extending the hips until the body forms a straight line at the top. This should be accompanied by a forced exhale with tight glutes and abs at the top.

Inhale again and return the kettlebell to the ground, keeping the arms against the ribs and the spine perfect. Release the kettlebell and stand up.

Key Points:
If you must elevate the kettlebell to adjust to your mobility ability, place it on the appropriate surface to ensure perfect from and lower as your mobility improves.

Keep a straight spine alignment.

Keep the arms glued against the ribs.

Push your feet into the ground to start the movement and do not lead with the shoulders.

Remember to incorporate proper breathing.

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