пятница, 18 сентября 2015 г.


Adding kettlebell training to your workout regimen provides a highly-effective way to build strength, flexibility and power. This full-body complex can be performed two to three times per week, with a minimum of one full day of rest between workouts. 
Perform this workout with a moderately weighted kettlebell performing 5-8 single arm repetitions per exercise. Once you’ve completed the series on one side, switch arms and repeat.  Move from one exercise to the next with little to no rest. If you’re newer to performing complexes, take 20-45 seconds between exercises (as needed), but try not to place the kettlebell down as you rest. Take 2-3 minutes after the completion of one round (all exercises on both sides). Begin by completing one round of all exercises. As you progress, challenge yourself by completing this kettlebell complex two or three times within the same workout session.


Start with kettlebell between your feet. Bend over and squat down. Place hands on floor, slightly wider than shoulder width. While holding upper body in place, kick legs back. Land on forefeet with body in straight, plank position. Keeping upper body in place, pull legs forward under body returning feet back into the squatting position. From this squat position, place your hand on the kettlebell handle. Perform a deadlift by maintaining a straight back and pressing heels into the ground. Extend the hips and squeeze the glutes, until you reach a complete upright position with forearm pressed to inner thigh and bell between legs.


Upon completion of the last repetition of the former exercise, maintain the kettlebellin between the legs with the forearm pressed to the thigh. Set the hips back into an athletic position then drive explosively forward, with torso upright, and knees straight so kettlebell is pushed forward and upward. Allow kettlebell to swing back down. As kettlebell approaches lower position, set the hips back while bending knees slightly. Forearm makes contact with inner thigh permitting kettlebell to swing back under hips. Immediately repeat movement and continue to swing kettlebell. Maintain shoulder to eye level height swings.


Upon completion of the last repetition of the former exercise, maintain the kettlebell in between the legs with the forearm pressed to the thigh. Set the hips back into an athletic position then drive explosively forward, with torso upright, and knees straight so kettlebell is pushed forward. As the kettlebell moves through and past the hips, keep the arc of the bell closer to the body than you would with a kettlebell swing, and pull with the arm slightly flexed and elbow leading the way upwards. Allow kettlebell to rotate in hand into inverted position. Punch kettlebell upward in an overhead straight arm position with kettlebell positioned behind forearm. 


Upon completion of the last repetition of the former exercise, maintain the kettlebell in between the legs with the forearm pressed to the thigh. Set the hips back into an athletic position then drive explosively forward, with torso upright, and knees straight so kettlebell is pushed forward and upward. As the kettlebell moves through and past the hips, keep the arc of the bell closer to the body then you would with a kettlebell  swing, and pull with the arm slightly flexed and elbow leading the way upwards. Jump upward extending body. Raise shoulder and pull kettlebell upward toward body slightly with elbow pointing outward. Drop under kettlebell, rotating arm under kettlebell. Catch kettlebell on outside of arm with wrist straight, and elbow vertical, hugging the bell tight to the shoulder and pectoral. This is the rack position.
From the rack position, squat down with feet hip width apart, keeping back straight. Maintain the rack position with elbow vertical and tucked close to the torso. Descend through a full range of motion. From the bottom portion of the squat, immediately extend at the hips, knees and ankles, driving through the heels, as if you were jumping to create momentum. Explosively press the kettlebell overhead to lockout by extending the arm, using your body's momentum to move the weight. Control the weight back to the rack position then back to the hang position with bell in between legs and forearm pressed to thigh.


Upon completion of the final press of the previous exercise, maintain the bell in a stable and locked overhead position. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. If the kettlebell is in your left hand, you will place the left foot back and vice versa. Forcefully drive your forward heel in to the ground and begin to step your opposite foot behind you placing your toe to the ground.  Keep the core tight and lower the working legs back knee toward the ground without any rotation in the knee, hip, torso or shoulder. Once your knee is just above the ground, reverse the motion back to the starting position. Once you reach the starting position, pause and repeat.

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