пятница, 18 сентября 2015 г.



3 Quick Kettlebell Workouts
Summer is here, but it’s not to late to get into summer shape! Kettlebells allow you to maximize your workout time with high-intensity, full body exercise. Use these 3 quick kettlebell workouts get results in no time.
It’s time for you to get in shape, lose fat, and look good in swim wear! By now, you’re probably going to the gym, running on treadmills, and lifting weights. My question to you is, “How efficient is your exercise program?”
In another words, are you doing the workouts that will get you in shape the fastest? Let’s be honest, traditional bodybuilding and treadmill workouts are boring, outdated, and take a lot of time to show results. We both know that you could use something new, something challenging, but more importantly something that will take less time to get you the results you want.
As a coach and new parent, I am ALL FOR for efficient workouts. I know that most people struggle with finding free time so these 3 quick kettlebell workouts are perfect if you are short on time and want to lose fat!
All you need is a pair of kettlebells and a stopwatch. That’s it!


Quick Kettlebell Workouts: Kettlebell Push Ups
A1: Double Kettlebell Front Rack (Holds) – 30 sec
A2: DB Kettlebell Push Ups – 30 sec
4 Rounds
Rest for 45-60 sec
B1: 2-Hand Kettlebell Swing – Max Reps (until burn out)
1 Round


Quick Kettlebell Workouts: Kettlebell Swings
A1: Double Kettlebell Swings – 10 reps
A2: Pull Ups (using a C- curve body position) – 5 reps
4 Rounds
Rest for 45-60 sec
B1: 2-Hand Kettlebell Swing – Max Reps (until burn out)
1 Round


Quick Kettlebell Workouts: Kettlebell Rows
A1: Double Kettlebell Renegade Rows – 5 reps each arm
A2: Double Kettlebell Front Squat – 5 reps
4 Rounds
Rest for 45-60 sec
B1: 2-Hand Kettlebell Swing – Max Reps (until burn out)
1 Round


Each week add an extra round (or set). For example, in week 1 you will complete 4 rounds, in week 5, 5 rounds. When you reach 7 rounds you can do one of 2 things:
1) Increase the Kettlebell Weight (e.g. 16kg to 20kg OR 20kg to 24kg)
2) Increase the Reps (e.g. 5 to 7 reps OR 7 to 9 reps)
Keep these 3 quick kettlebell workouts challenging. Adjust them accordingly if you feel that they are too easy.
Do these 3 kettlebell workouts 3 days a week followed by a rest day in between each one. If you have time after each quick kettlebell workout, focus on mobility work, stretching, or get into a few yoga poses. Do not over do it!
Good luck, have some fun, and say good bye to your love handles!

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