пятница, 5 мая 2017 г.

Day #2: Upper Body Primary Kettlebell Workout

Day #2: Upper Body Primary Kettlebell Workout
 Day #2: Upper Body Primary Kettlebell Workout
Day #2 of the Primary Kettlebell Workout Plan is an upper body workout routine involving four sets. Rest 45-60 seconds between rounds and sets. Use a weight that is challenging in the rep range of 5-8 reps.

Kettlebell Workout Video:

Kettlebell Workout Instructions:

A: Floor Press - 5 x 5-8 each side
B: Bent Over Row - 5 x 5-8 each side
C: Clean - 5 x 5-8 each side
D: Strict Press - 5 x 5-8 each side

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