Welcome to the Kettlebell workout from coach Dini Leopoldo. Two new workouts are posted each week and can be done on any day you have available. Make sure you warm up adequately before starting any of these workouts!

Post your workout results, comments, and questions to the Breaking Muscle forum.

Week 3, Day 1

Joint mobility/Primal Move

2x15 hand-to-hand swings
2x10 push ups
2x5 bodyweight lunges, per side

3x10 biceps curls
3x10 triceps extensions
3x5 back lunges with rotation, per side

3x12 burpees
3x12 push press
3x12 squats with shoulder rows
3x12 pullover crunches

5x30 seconds double kettlebell farmer's walk
5x20 crunches


Week 3, Day 2

Joint mobility/Primal Move

3x2 bodyweight Turkish get ups
3x10 push press

5 min Turkish get ups, alternating sides

3x25 jump squats
3x20 swings
3x15 push ups
3x10 burpees
3x5 pull ups

4x10 good morning stretch

3x20 seconds bicycles
3x20 seconds high planks
