суббота, 4 июня 2016 г.

Kettlebell Workout Guide WORKOUTS

 Take your strength to a whole new level with this guide to kettle bell workouts

man holding kettlebell
24 MAY 2016
The kettlebell was first developed in Russia in the 1700s, and was used by the Soviet army in the 20th century as part of physical training and conditioning programs, but it is only relatively recently that it has gained the attention it deserves in the wider world of fitness and strength training as a perfect tool for total body workouts.
With its uneven weight distribution, using a kettlebell puts greater strain on your stabiliser muscles than other weights do. In addition to improving core stabilisation, the American Council on Exercise has found that the average kettlebell workout results in significant calorie burn – 300 calories in 15 minutes.
Geoff Neupert, StrongFirst’s master Kettlebell Instructor, is a firm advocate of using kettlebells. ‘They’re incredibly time-efficient,’ says Neupert. ‘They help strip off unwanted body fat, put on muscle in all the right places, and help stave off heart disease by improving heart and lung function. Kettlebell workouts, when done correctly, are “joint-friendly”. There’s no longer a need to suffer through joint-pounding aerobics workouts or machine circuits, further damaging your knees, lower back or shoulders.’
Kettlebells used to be the preserve of Russian strongmen, but now your local gym probably has a set of them. But just because something is easy to find doesn't mean it's easy to use. That's why we asked Rob Beauchamp, chief instructor at the UK Kettlebell Association (UKKA), to create a workout of key kettlebell exercises.

You can be forgiven for being apprehensive about swinging a 16kg cannonball about. ‘It has a tendency to do its own thing,’ says Beauchamp. ‘Dumb-bells have linear movements and sit in the centre of your hand. With a kettlebell, the ball is in front of your forearm, so it's an extra link in the chain.' That makes them more difficult to control but it also means your muscles work harder.

Another benefit is that they build 'intramuscular teamwork' because you're forced to use higher levels of co-ordination than you would when slinging dumb-bells or a barbell around. 'With a barbell snatch, you have to co-ordinate your lower and upper body, but in a very vertical way,' says Beauchamp. ‘With a kettlebell, you’re moving around it to try to change the angle of pull. It’s almost like you’re grappling or wrestling with the kettlebell to get it where you want it.’

The speed of the exercises is also different. ‘A lot of barbell and dumb-bell exercises are done at a sedate pace,’ says Beauchamp. ‘But you move a kettlebell quickly, which fires up lots of fast-twitch muscle fibres.’ This will help you to get bigger and stronger.
On the left you'll find form guides for each move in Beachamp’s MF kettlebell workout. Below is how to structure your kettlebell workouts for best effect along with some tips.

Weeks 1-2

Do exercises 1-8 in order
Sets 1 Reps 10 (per side for one-sided moves)
Rest 90 seconds between exercises
Days 5-6 a week

Weeks 3-4

Do exercises 1-8 in order
Sets 2 Reps 10 (each side for one-sided moves)
Rest 90 seconds between exercises Days 4-5 a week

Weeks 5-8

Do exercises 1-8 in order Sets 3 Reps 10 (each side for one-sided moves)
Rest 90 seconds between exercises
Days 3-4 a week

Weeks 9-12

Do exercises 1 and 8, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7 as supersets
Sets 2-3 Reps 10 (each side for one-sided moves)
Rest 90 seconds between supersets
Days 3-4 a week
If you want another kettlebell workout, try this fat-burning one

Kettlebell technique tips

The snatch is an extension of the high-pull exercise. Always ‘high pull’ the bell off the swing before ‘punching’ it over your head. If you feel the bell smash you in the wrist, you’re either not pulling the bell and just swinging it up, or your not punching it through effectively. Follow this sequence to perform the move correctly and safely.
  • Hike the bell deep through the legs.
  • Keep your heels flat and your spine neutral – always!
  • Drive through with the hips aggressively and high pull the bell to the top of your head with your elbow pointing up.
  • Punch through quickly while relaxing the grip at the lock-out.
  • Using chalk will also help you keep your grip on the bell.

How to avoid injury 

  • Maintain a neutral spine: This ensures that your body is aligned correctly throughout the exercise. It is particularly important to keep this in mind when performing kettlebell workouts that include swings and high pulls. Trying to keep a straight line from hips to head will go along way to ensuring that you maintain a neutral spine. Think about a ruler being placed along the entire length of the spine and try to keep that posture. 
  • Don't put all the work on your upper-body: Constantly putting the emphasis on the upper body muscles during difficult movements can place too much of a strain on the neck, lower back and shoulder muscles which can often lead to injury. Try to relax the upper body and use snappier movements from the hips, this will ensure an even spread of work for muscles from the upper and lower body. 
  • Be patient with your kettlebell movement progression: Do not start trying exercises with the kettlebell that your body is not ready for. People often put their back at risk by getting ahead of themselves with kettlebells. The kettlebell swing in-particular can cause problems for those not used to performing it. Try something like a deadlift before you go onto more difficult exercises like the swing. 
  • Invest in the correct footwear: Despite most people wearing them for everything and anything gym related, running shoes actually aren't the best choice for a kettlebell workout. They tend to push the knees forward and raise the heel during swings and squats which can leave you vulnerable to knee injuries. It's better to train in flat soled trainers or barefoot for added stability. 

Pro tip

Want one move that’ll give you bulletproof rotator cuffs, a vice-like handshake and improved pull-up scores? Look no further than the bottoms-up kettlebell press.
‘The added instability provided by pressing a top-heavy kettle bell will challenge your grip and the muscles of your shoulder girdle,’ says strength and conditioning coach CJ Swaby. ‘It can be used as a supplement to your regular training or as a variation to give you new stimulus.’
  • Start with a light weight – you’ll be surprised by just how tough it is. Here’s how to do a bottom's up kettlebell press:
  • Hold the bell against one of your thighs with the handle facing the ground, your legs slightly bent and your back neutral.
  • Your feet should be just wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend forward from the the hips about 45˚- still holding the kettlebell so the base is facing upwards. Let the kettlebell swing between your legs as you go.
  • Using the momentum created by the swing, stand up and extend your arm straight above your head so the kettlebell looks like an extension of your arm. Use your other arm to steady you during the movement.
  • Gently swing the kettlebell back to the start position, keeping the handle down and base facing up. If at any point you struggle to keep the kettlebell in that position use a lower weight and work your way up gradually.

Choose your weapon

Bodymax Cast Iron
The budget option. Its solid, chunky handle works for any move (liquid chalk recommended), and it’s ideally shaped for goblet squats. The flat surfaces on both sides don’t suit snatching, but it’s still a good bit of kit for the price.
Fitmad Vinyl Covered
The powder-coated handle (also the widest on test) makes two-handed swings effortless, but the vinyl coating got dinged up early and the uneven base doesn't inspire confidence during bear crawls. it’s probably the most home-safe option for anyone with a hardwood floor, though.
Jordan Neoprene
Perfect balancing, a round face and a hard rubber coating make this the most forearm-friendly bell we’ve tested. Although the chunky handle may be a touch too smooth for high-intensity training. Not one to practise your bottoms-up press with, but it’s the best choice for home workouts.
Wolverson Black Series
The winner. A super-flat machined base means extra stability for renegade rows and bear crawls, while its gritty, chip resistant finish makes for easy handling, even during high-rep sets of cleans.

Exercise 1: one-hand swing clean and jerk

 One-hand swing clean and jerk
  • With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend and grab the kettlebell with one hand, keeping your arm straight and your hand just ahead of your shoulders.
  • Lift the kettlebell off the floor and swing it back between your legs.
One-hand swing clean and jerk
  • Straighten your legs and push your hips forwards as you rise up to swing the kettlebell.
One-hand swing clean and jerk
  • When the kettlebell reaches waist height, draw it back in towards your body by bending your elbow and rolling the kettlebell onto your forearm.
One-hand swing clean and jerk
  • The kettlebell should land gently on your forearm and your thumb should be at the far side of your sternum, with your upper arm tight against your ribs.
One-hand swing clean and jerk
  • Sink into a quarter squat then immediately explode into a lunge jump while pressing the kettlebell overhead.
One-hand swing clean and jerk
One-hand swing clean and jerk
  • Move the front foot directly underneath your body before bringing up your rear leg. Reset and repeat on the opposite side.

One-hand swing clean and jerk

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